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#Lays stacks walmart cracked
11 : must repair or replace cracked light shield in deli walk in cooler,burntout light in bakery walk in freezer and hood of cooking equipment. Must elevate,remove and organize articles off of floor and away from walls throughout jewel's /osco storage areas. Must remove standing water from floor in produce prep area and where needed including floor drains. Must remove ice build up from floor in bakery walk in freezer. 13 : must clean food debris & grease build up from floor under,around,along wall bases in all prep areas, walk in coolers,display shelves on sales floor. 13: must repair or replace damaged floor tiles in bakery prep area,meat processing prep area,damaged wall tiles in in bakery & fish/meat prep area near walk in freezer. 17 : must clean dust build up from all ceiling ventilation systems throughout premises. #49- must clean debris build up from prep tables in all prep areas,hot holding unit ,all shelving units in walk in coolers ,rolling carts,fan guard covers in all coolers,wrapping station in produce prep area. #60- previous core violations not corrected #47- must remove rust from most shelving units in all walk in coolers and make smooth and easily cleanable. Must have a pest control operator to service premises on or after 9/15/23. Must remove droppings,clean and sanitize areas. 7-9 live large and small flies flying throughout premises. Osco storage area-floral rack,pallet and inside of baskets stored on rolling cart,on wall ledge behind file cabinet and on floor under wire rack,liquor storage closet on wood ledges and under storage crates in same area. Dry food storage area-at footing of storage shelves,along wall bases near compactor,on lower shelf of spice rack and in a tube of plastic wrap,under staircase & on floor next to co2 tanks. Produce prep area-on ledge under electrical box,on lower shelf of wrapping station lower shelf of prep table. 175 or more mice droppings scattered in various areas such as on shelving units at syrup,cereal,chips,bubble tea,packaged noodles,baked goods display unit on sales floor,bakery prep area- on chemical & on top of box on shelving units & on floor at swinging door,on floor next to dish machine,on floor next to prep table with bread slicer. comments: previous priority foundation violation from report #2581411 9/8/23 not corrected #38-still finding evidence of appx. Previous priority foundation violation corrected 11 : must repair or replace dairy walk in cooler cracked light shield,burntout light in fish walk in freezer.ĥ9. Adequate ventilation & lighting designated areas used 11 : must clean debris build up and dirt from walls and ceilings throughout all prep areas,walk in cooler and freezers.ĥ6. 13 : must repair or replace hot food-wall tile missing behind cooking equipment. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean 11 : must repair or replace worn door gaskets on deli & hot food walk in cooler,chicken walk in cooler,grocery walk in freezer.ĥ5. 19 : must eliminate crates used for food storage and provide adequate shelving units in bakery walk in cooler & freezer,osco liquor storage area. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used See More hand sink next to prep table in produce prep area.Ĥ7.

Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display comments: observed a gap along bottom of receiving door must make door tight fitting.ģ9.